
4 Stay-Fit Tips for People Who Hate Exercise

Hate exercising? You’re definitely not alone.It seems that each year, millions of people around the country start off with good intentions, committing to an exercise plan, only to quit completely a few weeks later.Look, we understand, exercising is not easy. It’s hard work, but it’s hard work that’s really important for your health and overall well-being. And we want to...[ read more ]

How to Help Your Child Balance School and Extracurricular Activities

There was a time when young kids went to school and came home, did a little homework, then went outside to play with their friends. Their schedules were open and easy for them to handle. Nowadays, more and more kids are involved in so many activities they don’t seem to have time to engage in imaginative play, whether in the...[ read more ]

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Middletown, NJ 07748
(732) 443-0331

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